Joke Of The Day : Timmy

Every time Timmy's mom had her boyfriend over, she put Timmy in the closet with his teddy bear. One day, hearing her husband coming up the stairs, she quickly shoved her boyfriend in with Timmy.

"Gee, it's mighty dark in here," Timmy said.

"Yes, it sure is," replied the boyfriend.

"You wanna buy my teddy bear for fifty bucks?" asked Timmy.

"No way, kid. You're crazy," said the boyfriend.

"I'll scream," said Timmy.

The boyfriend forked over the money.

The next day, Timmy's grandmother came to visit and saw him thumbing through a wad of money. "Where did you get all that money, Timmy?" she asked, suspecting that he stole it. Timmy wouldn't say.

"Well, if you won't tell me, you'll have to go to confession and tell the priest," said Grandma, dragging Timmy off to the church.

As he entered the gloomy confession booth, Timmy said, "Gee, it's mighty dark in here."

"Are you going to start that crap again?" the priest said.

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